(623) 266-9051


Our Laveen, AZ Maid Service Cleans Because We Care

 I heard a couple arguing outside of a hotel one morning. The woman was saying, “You tell me everyday that it’s ridiculous to make the bed at home. Why do you care so much that the maid service didn’t use hospital corners on the sheets?”

Being in the industry, I found this interaction amusing and knew it pointed to one of the age-old questions of housekeeping -- why should I clean it if it’s just going to get messy again?

Cleanliness is important because it is a way of showing respect. Even the hypocritical husband bristling on the street corner took sloppiness as a personal affront. Surely, he thought, the hotel staff should welcome all valued patrons with perfect cleanliness. He recognizes that cleaning is a way to show people in our lives that we respect them. His wife is probably making the bed each morning to show how much she respects the home they have created.

I like to think a personal Laveen, AZ maid service lets busy people, who otherwise may not be able, show the respect that comes with keeping things clean. Clean can be tough. Honestly, how much did we bustle over the holidays keeping things tidy? Maybe the husband at the hotel is not lazy; maybe he and his wife are just overworked, and he hates to see her wasting precious relaxing or together time on smoothing a bedspread. Our Laveen, AZ maid service help even the busiest people show the respect of clean.

So why should we keep things clean? The same reason we make up with friends even though we could be angry again. Or the same reason we hug our kids even though they’ll cry again. I’m being dramatic, I know, but maid services are our craft :) Our Laveen, AZ maid service cleans because we care.

Our Laveen, AZ Maid Service Cleans Because We Care


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