How to Clean Brick in 4 Easy Steps
Categories: Carpets & Flooring, Windows, Walls & CeilingsTagged: Brick, Cleaning Tips, Fireplace, Flooring, Grease, House Cleaning Tips, Housekeeping, Housekeeping Tips, Walls
1. Mix 2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid, a dash of table salt and enough water to make a good solution.Spray it on, or rub the solution into the dirty, greasy surface using a cloth or rag. Let stand for several minutes.2. Scrub the areas with a moistened stiff-bristle brush. Rinse with warm water.3. If that doesn't work, try this stronger method:Using a stiff-bristle brush, scrub the surface with a solution of a half-cup trisodium phosphate (TSP) mixed in 1 gallon hot water in a plastic bucket.TSP is caustic and potentially dangerous, so follow the product's directions carefully and keep it away from children. Be sure to wear rubber or latex gloves, safety goggles and protective clothing.4. After scrubbing, rinse the area with warm water.Repeat if needed, adding up to another half-cup TSP to the solution, then rinse again with warm water.Additional tips:
- Always try the weaker solution first.
- Brick and stone are easier to clean when pre-sealed with a tung oil finish.